Every successful product is the fruit of hard work, and this applies to every field of business. Intuition alone is not enough to create a product that people will love and use. You also need to do your research, thinking, planning, differentiating yourself, and more. Write about some of the challenges you faced in designing this product and what steps you and your team took to overcome them. 

Our Church History

This is a short text area to describe the project. Just write a few words about the purpose, inspiration or success of the project and let the images tell the rest of the story. 
A brief history of the founding of St. Paul's Church drawn together with information available at the time of the Centenary Celebrations.
Towards the end of 1906 a group of people resigned their membership with the Parish Church of Fleetwood. They formed St Paul's Church, the first service was held in the Minor Hall of the Co-operative Society in London Street on Sunday 20th October 1907. Later they moved across the road to a hall, which they altered and prepared for worship.
These were hard and difficult times for the little Church, but the congregation grew and flourished.
In 1926 a Synod was held at St Paul's, attending was Mr. Stephen Frost Johnson a delegate from Christ Church Leigh-on-Sea, he was an architect and master builder and had built the church at Leigh-on-Sea.
The church building in London Street was now in quite bad repair, Mr. Johnson felt he could not return home leaving the church like that so he purchased tools to repair the roof and render the front of the building.
The congregation had already purchased a plot of land in Darbishire Road referred` to then as a new part of the town.

Mr. Johnson also bought a small block making machine and he showed a very willing band of volunteers from the congregation how to make the blocks to build the new church, promising to come back the following year to build it.
The congregation started raising funds to buy the materials; they worked tirelessly to make the vast number of blocks needed, giving their time, money, talents and energy, often working into the night by the aid of lamps. This truly was a labour of love for the Lord_ Their wives and children took their meals to them and helped in any way they could.
Mr. Johnson returned to Fleetwood at the Easter of 1927 and with the help of a working party that came from all walks of life they started to build the church. Everyone worked in some way and amazingly the church was completed in less than six months.
The first service was held on Wednesday 31st August 1927 when the Church was officially opened.
One hundred years later, we are still a self-supporting Church; the congregation give their time, money, talents and energy. We look to the future as we praise and worship the Lord at Paul's.
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